simple party game for two humans at one device.a very simple version of "Nine Man Morris" board game.made for TWO PLAYERS, HUMAN VS HUMAN, at one devi
simple party game for two humans at one device.
a very simple version of "Nine Man Morris" board game.
made for TWO PLAYERS, HUMAN VS HUMAN, at one device! NO AI.
a party game under friends/family/workmates/circle of acquaintances
is more fun than against unemotional computer player.
at handy please use a input pen because small display size.
i used 16:9 ratio for the game.
this game is WITHOUT advertising, it needs NO permissions.
(it was made with Clickteam Fusion 2.5)
manual how to play Nine Man Morris you find under Menu/Exit/Manual.
please vote bout what i had described, and not about what it not contains...
!!! i have other nine man morris game here made with app game kit v1.
this game was NOT made with google software developement kit.
Fusion is a visuell developement and limited in features.