My Weather Indicator, provides detailed weather information.My Weather Indicator, provides detailed weather information for the place where you are, s
My Weather Indicator, provides detailed weather information.
My Weather Indicator, provides detailed weather information for the place where you are, such the current temperature, the pressure, the humidity, and much more. Besides you can get information about forecast for next hours and next days. My Weahter Indicator is open source and totally free, without ads.
My Weahter Indicator comes with two simple widget sizes 4x1 ad 4x4 for normal screen.
* Current weather condition.
* Forecast for next horus.
* Forecast for next days.
* Sunrise and Sunset time.
* Moon Phase for current day.
* Moon Phase for current month and next.
* Weather status in notification area.
* Home screen widgets 4x1 and 4x4.
* Ability to set your preferred temperature unit.
* Ability to set your preferred pressure unit.
* Ability to set your preferred speed unit.
* Ability to set the update interval.
* Weather map for current location.
* Localized to English, Español.