Maqamat-e-Anbia Ka Tasweeri AlbumThis e-book is a pictorial description of locations, symbols and icons associated with Ambiya (Prophets). Muqamat Amb
Maqamat-e-Aanbia ka tasweeri album
This e-book is a pistorial description of locations, symbols and icons associateed with Ambiya (Prophets).
Muqamat ambiya also zoomed into the life of prophets with a special highlight to the places like:
Darya E Neel, Firon Ky Mehal, Wadai Seena, Hazrat Mosa Aur Bani Israail Sy Mansoob Maqamat, Kohetoor, Saint Kaitherien, Hazrat Mosa Naboyat Sy Mansoob Kowan Roshan darakht ky pas hazrat mosa ka asa azdaha ban gaya, hazrat mosa ka firon ky jado garo syuqabala, firon's (Palace) ky mehal ky asaar, freench kat dari fashion ka fashion ka Tameer Karda Ibadat Khana, Ala Qasar Ka Shahi Qabaristan Jahan Sy Firon Ki Mami Mili, Sony Ka Bachra
These Iconic Places are key locations where the Saints (Prophets) Defeated The evils, magicians and demons besides besides muqamat ambiya also depict symbols like a man made calf fabricated and preceded only Baneisareal in Hazrat Moosa's Absence. Holy places like makkah and medinah and koh-e toor which are considered
Locations and Holy Places Associated with Messengers of Allah and Folwing Prophet's From Hazrat Adam Till Hazrat Hazrat Muhammad sallallallahu alaihi wasallam also presented in this book.
Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Arees Alahis Salam
Hazrat Sheesh Alaihis Salam
Hazrat nolahis salam
Hazrat Hood Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Saleh Alaihis Salam
Hazrat ibrahim alahis salam
Hazrat Ismail Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Ishaq Alaihis Salam
Hazrat loot alahis salam
Hazrat Yaqoob Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Yasaf Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Shoaib Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Daud Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Mosa Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Haroon Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Ilyas Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Suleman Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Ayub Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Younus Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Yaeshe Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Hizqeel Alaihis Salam
Hazrat zo al kahf alahis salam
Hazrat Shamoon Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Aziz Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Daniyal Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Yahya Alaihis Salam
Hazrat Maryam Alaihis Salam
Hazrat essa alahis salam
Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
These are all sign of dignity, strong legacy and a symbol of pride for Muslims, but this should not be considesdered for preaching or promoting shirk of any form.