Monopoly Trade Evaluator is a tool to help players trade properties in MonopolyMonopoly Trade Evaluator is a tool to help players add up their total v
Monopoly Trade Evaluator is a tool to help players trade properties in Monopoly
Monopoly Trade Evaluator is a tool to help players add up their total value of money, properties and buildings while playing Monopoly. This is NOT the actual game you can play on your phone!
Monopoly a classic board game brought to us by the good people at Hasbro. Monopoly is copyright of Hasbro and this application was not developed, approved, licensed, affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro in any way. Please make a note of that.
Monopoly Trade Evaluator simplifies calculating a player's total value in a game of Monopoly, which is the sum of all their money, properties and buildings. With this information Monopoly Trade Evaluator can help you:
*Compare the value of trades among players. The program calculates strictly by face value, as an avid Monopoly player myself, I'm well aware there are other factors that affect a deal between players. So players should not use this as an end all when deciding to make a trade, please use it as a guide.
*Calculate 10% of a player's total value for the Income Tax spot. (use Menu key to see option)
*Find out who is the richest player is it any time. Very useful for playing a timed game.
Please note that future updates will include more player slots so that you can keep track of inventory and value for everyone throughout an entire game. Other planned improvements include the inclusion of "Get out of jail free" cards to a player's worth.
This APK uses just one special permission, Full Internet Access. This is used for Advertisements and Google's Market Billing Service only. The Market Billing Service let's you enter the In-App Store, which is powered by the Android Market and provides an option to remove advertisements permanently from this app for only 99 cents USD. I felt this method was easier then creating 2 different versions on the Market. (ex: Free/Pro)
And lastly if you play a specialty version of Monopoly (ex Futurama, Star Wars or Disney versions) and would like to see it integrated, please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]!