Create Massive Income Via Mobile Apps Workshop For Business App / Passive IncomeMobile Apps Workshop Will Show You Easy Ways To Generate Massive Pass
Create Massive Income Via Mobile Apps Workshop For Business App / Passive Income
Mobile Apps Workshop Will Show You Easy Ways To Generate Massive Passive Income Through Mobile Apps Workshop ! Your Customers Are Mobile...Is Your Business???
Come join me in a 4-hour FREE Mobile Apps Workshop! I will share with you how to start a wonderful journey to get passive income while at home or while you are still working. If you have an online business, then follow the latest developments by building "Mobile Commerce App" for your business and sell your products to the world market. We conduct our Mobile Apps Workshop in English & Bahasa Malaysia.
Income derived as soon as you create your Mobile Apps!
Mobile Apps Workshop is a training program that is easy and simple for you and those who want to earn massive passive income easily without requiring the knowledge of computer programming.
Learn effective methods to create mobile apps in the creation of games , selling products and services on Google Android Playstore and Apple iOS Itunes Store from the comfort of your home.
# Mobile Apps Workshop provides life time support & assistance to all students that attend our workshops.
# 1 best-seller in Malaysia PROVEN to produce the most number of successful entrepreneurs in Mobile Apps !
How often have you heard yourself saying:
" How do I bring my products to the world consumers..."
" How do I derived my traffic via mobile apps..."
" How do I use the social media to derived traffic to my websites..."
"How to earn more money..."
" The education is getting higher ever year, can I afford my kids to get the best education...???"
"How to solve all my debts...??? "
" Can I bring my kids for a vacations overseas...??? "
" When can I buy a house or a bigger house for comfort...??? "
" Could I afford to send my parents for the best heath care...???"
" I would like an income that allows me to stay at home with my kida. You only see them once growing up...!!! "
" When can I spend more times with my kids...???"
Remember these facts:
# 1.5 billion current smartphone users from 7 billion mobile users who has not yet shifted to smartphone... Be there when the market boom!!!
# Now only 2 million apps in all the store and those 200 million websites that will definitely be creating mobile apps soon in next two to three years.... Create your apps now!!!
Participants Testimonials:
"There is only one way to describe how I feel now____EXCITED!!!"
"Kartina's explanations & guidance is always frank and clear_____ Thank you."
"The preview gives a very clear overview of the system & its aim".
"Especially useful to be able to 'make' a simple app, rather than just theory"
"Facilities - easy parking, clean room, refreshments."
Sept 2014
"I have a new understanding on apps making. It was an excellent workshop with great practical exercises."
Sept 2014
"Very happy with apps income Oct - USD41, Nov - USD165, Dec - USD550, Jan - USD1800. Expected Feb USD3000. Thanks for sharing and guidance. Without your help will not reach this far. Really help me and Fanny a lot with more to come. Thank you from both of us".
- Jude Abel Logijin
Sept 2013
"Its very interesting workshop. To me doing apps in this way is much better than programming. I did before it was so difficult to complete one app, but this way of doing apps is faster"
- Mohamud
Feb 2014
"Good introductory session about what is a mobile apps and how it can be build and develope from zero. Very good for people with zero knowledge. After the course ends, you are already an apps developer".
Sept 2014
"I gain much knowledge on how to build mobile apps without knowing how to do programming. Programming your own mobile apps are very tedious. You have to learn a lot on new things if you want to do apps programming. By using this App Builder will save a lot of time".
- SHAMSUL AKMAL - Sept 2014
Mobile Apps Workshop will open tremendous opportunities for you.