Create a free Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Right From This AppWhat is a Minecraft Pocket Edition ServerA Mcpe Server is a server that allow you or
Create a free Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Right From This App
What is a Minecraft Pocket Edition Server
A Mcpe Server is a server that allow you or your Friend around the world to join and play togetther all they need is the IP and Port and they can Join your server
If you guys get internet error watch this:
What Does This App Do
-Make a minecraft pocket edition server
-Play with Your Friend On Your Server
This is the best app that offer free minecraft pocket edition server so support the devolper by rating the app so more update will be release
4.) We added less ad's to be shown
3.) Added a Chat,Commands, Page, And List server
2.) Fix a internet 'Bug'
1.) Added A Commands Page