ATL Metro - Marta provides all there is to know about Marta rail metro lines.This is the best Marta Atlanta Metro Application that you will see in the
ATL Metro - Marta provides all there is to know about Marta rail metro lines.
This is the best Marta Atlanta Metro Application that you will see in the market.
ATL Metro - Marta provides all there is to know about Marta (Atlanta) rail metro lines.
This Atlanta Metro application provides rail schedules, rail routes in details, timetables, and more!
Here are the main features:
• Easy to click the station points with Zoom In/Zoom Out functionality
• Real Time Schedule
• Google Map showing all the stations and your current location
• List of stations sorted by distance from the current location or by given address, zip code, place name, etc.
• List of stations sorted alphabetically or reversely.
• Many choices of routes from one station to another showing very detailed route infos.
• Station Timetable showing all the lines and direction.
• Direction to the station using Google Map
• Station info from official Marta website
Contact me directly for any problem or any comments for improvements!