Fishing Surfcasting Weather Marine Sea Tide Swell SolunarI had in mind for a long time, to develop a special fishing application with all necessary fu
Fishing Surfcasting Weather Marine Sea Tide Swell Solunar
I had in mind for a long time, to develop a special fishing application with all necessary functions.
A lot of discussions with other friends fishermen directed me towards existing applications, I tested several. Most have only a furtive passage on my phone.
This version of FishNPeche satisfy me, I graciously share it with you.
Its goal is to meet all the needs of a fisherman:
- Choose a city from a map
- Selection of the type of fishing practiced (Surfcasting, Lures, Stroke, Ball, ...)
- Get a weather Forecast for location:
- Temperature.
- The cloud cover.
- The direction and strength of the wind and gusts.
- The state of the sea swell, the direction and strength of the waves and the water temperature.
- Times of sun and moon set and rise.
- Tides.
- Indicator of probability of Fisheries (solunar theory and / or outcome probability from personal or group statistics).
- Tools for managing your equipment: Rods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Lead, ...
- Tools for preparation, progress and conclusion of a fishing session.
- Statistics Edition:
- Analysis of the results based on different parameters: equipment, bait, conditions, location ...
- Other features will be added to as your requests.
- The application is designed to run on all devices running Android at least version 4.2.0.
- The application uses only a Wi-Fi connection, no data connection.
- The application uses wireless Internet connection to locate you on the map. GPS phone is not necessary.
- Each locality has its own forecasts.
- Predictions are collected once every 24 hours provided that a WIFI connection is available. They are valid for 7 days.
- When WIFI is not available, the application uses the forecast already loaded.
How to help:
- Report the display default.
- Report any bugs.
- Propose improvements.
- Propose new functions.