The jompirbook of the Magrupy the first murnic books in Ahal and is from the group Magrupy and the Jezrewings of the Yerevors. In a military family, servear
A poem of the alphabey Magrupy
Magrupy is born in Ahal and is from the team of these yriz campers. Was of the solar seed of the servers. Deep mentrate with Arabic and Persian culture, science and literature literature. Ahal - Iranian and Ahal - Iranian and Ahal - Iranian and Ahal - Khiva Military Tour. Magrupy And the sight of the goal was with Ahalh eat and went to Ahalchi and wore that is Korean. Particating into military courts, and was run into Iran generation, and 6 to 7 years in favor of tested. It is quoted with heapid, it is thought to be in order. It riots Magtymguly, printed in friendship, lived with a poet oaks. Master for Liquer Poems. The national epic Magrupy is up to the name of the name. Nelands features a seminel-metrick cotton. The "State" writes on history plan. Young is an exceptionally national examples. He plans to work this Bege and the Saly Anky.
The national literary movement is walking it in Magtymguly's her.