Transformational game based on the most ancient oracle Book of Changes (I Ching)You can set any goal unless it is too petty, trivial and short-lived.
Transformational game based on the most ancient oracle Book of Changes (I Ching)
You can set any goal unless it is too petty, trivial and short-lived. The scale of the game invites global and overriding aims like starting a family, succeeding in a serious business, improving your health, achieving enlightenment, oneness with the Absolute, etc.
The game board is a symbolic board of life. Every game play is a conversation with the subconscious, contact with the greatest mystery.
The viewpoints we have as to the major aspects of being, guide us through the life and result in events around us. How beautifully different our life would be if all our attitudes and positions were inspired by awareness and deep understanding instead of fixed dogmas! Being guided by tenet limitations is like wearing a straitjacket! Getting rid of them is the major goal of this game.
The game provides invaluable help in making your wishes come true, it disestablishes stereotypes, enlightens and expands your mind. Lila Chakra is a highly powerful tool for mental and physical rejuvenation.
The game reveals obstacles that block your way to achieving a goal and helps to overcome them.
Please see for details.