LG is the most understanding directory of gay and cruising areas. Lieux Gay is the most complete lannuaire with photos and geolocation service.
LG is the most understanding directory of gay and cruising areas.
Lieux Gay is the most complete directory with photos and geolocation service.
Whether you are looking for a bar, a sauna, a box, a restaurant, a hotel, a guest room and even a dredging place, Lieux Gay tells you precisely where the places closest to you with a single click.
Thanks to its exclusive voting and review service, you can know what other users think as well as the average note awarded by customers.
The list of places, votes and opinions is updated in real time, guaranteeing you always current information.
Rangeed under the LG title With a logo without any community ostentatious sign, this application guarantees you the maximum discretion on the home screen of your smartphone.
Thanks to our new notification service you will be warned of the addition of a new place near you as well as new opinions posting on a place that you commented/noted.
You can also create an account with a profile photo visible in the reviews.