The best blog and podcast content via a free, easy to use app!Lean Daily is a *FREE* app that brings you some of the most established and best-read bl
The best blog and podcast content via a free, easy to use app!
Lean Daily is a *FREE* app that brings you some of the most established and best-read blogs, podcasts, and videos about Lean Enterprise and the Toyota Production System. You can read the RSS feeds and view the full sites in the in-app browser. Audio and video content also plays right in the app. With this app, you can quickly and easily access all of this content in one place.
Content includes:
- (Mark Graban)
- Evolving Excellence (Kevin Meyer & Bill Waddell)
- Gemba Panta Rei (Jon Miller)
- Jamie Flinchbaugh (Lean Learning Center)
- Curious Cat (John Hunter)
- Lean Six Sigma Academy (Ron Pereira)
- Lean Blog Podcasts and Video Podcasts (Mark Graban)
- Got Boondoggle (Mike Woblewski)
- Lean Memes (Mark Graban)
- Gemba Academy Free Videos
- (Mark Graban)
- News feed about Lean
All content is used with permission of the bloggers and they have all supported this project to bring this app to you for free as a thank you for reading.