The Latest Set of Songs Children Islam Volume 2ayo We all sing and dance Islamic children's songs together with the same application this application is very co
The latest set of songs Children Islam Volume 2
Let's all sing and dance Islamic children's songs together with the same application this application is very suitable for early childhood or PAUD children, kindergarten children, toddlers, as well as for Muslim children who are still in the process of growth, who like to watch Kindergarten Nusa. This application can be accessed offline which contains songs for Muslim children about teachings in Islam, such as the pillars of faith, pillars of Islam, prayer, fasting, the characteristics of the Prophet, pilgrimage, and prayers for the Prophet Muhammad. Equipped with cute dancing and singing animations.
There are many Islamic children's songs in this game, such as Marhaban Ya Ramadhan, Rindu Muhammad, know Hijaiyah Alif Ba Ta, and many more. With this application, children can learn to recognize hijaiyah letters, memorize the pillars of faith and Islam, and memorize various kinds of sholawat songs happily. Come download the application now, and let the children sing and dance together happily!
Copyright All songs and lyrics in this application belong to the Creator, Musician and Music Label concerned. If you are a song copyright holder in this application and objections if your song is displayed, please contact us via the developer/ developer email and tell us about the status of your ownership of the song. We will immediately delete the song or lyrics from our game. Thank You