Yammer는 이제 Viva Engage 입니다! Yammer는 이제 Viva Engage 입니다! 기존 Yammer 계정을 사용하여 새로운 이름으로 알고있는 기능을 즐기십시오. 거기 있습니다
Yammer is now Viva Engage !
Yammer is now Viva Engage ! 기존 Yammer 계정을 사용하여 새로운 이름으로 알고있는 기능을 즐기십시오. There are no changes to your account, profile, or conversations.
Viva Engage 리더 및 동료와 연결하고 자신을 표현하고, 지식을 공유하고, 지식을 발견하고, 당신에게 중요한 조직 전체 커뮤니티에 참여하도록 도와줍니다. Stay informed and in touch while on the go with the Viva Engage app. You will experience the same capabilities in a rich mobile design on Viva Engage for Android, formerly Yammer.
Join Communities
Discover and participate in org-wide communities to connect with colleagues with similar interests and skillsets.
Engage with Leadership
Viva Engage app enables leaders and employees to engage and co-create company culture.
You can watch and participate in Live Events, Townhalls, All-hands videos and to stay aligned with what's top of mind for leadership.
Express Yourself
Share your unique perspective at scale through your storyline.
Create rich posts that include links, videos, photos, and files. These posts reach and engage followers and colleagues in Microsoft Viva Connections, Outlook, and Teams.
Share Knowledge
Ask questions, share knowledge and feedback, crowdsource ideas using org-wide communities
연결 상태를 유지하십시오
With Viva Engage app, you're just a tap away from leadership, coworkers, information and conversations whether you are in office or on the go.
Rich intuitive mobile experience
Viva Engage enables you to engage on mobile in a way that is intuitive on Android. Share photos and videos with your colleagues, respond with a quick GIF to welcome a new employee or praise someone.
Get interactive notifications that are tuned to the right amount of information you need. Access these notifications from your lock screen.
Get access to early versions of Yammer! Join the Yammer Beta program by visiting: