앱으로 택시를 예약하십시오. 우리의 6.500 택시는 연중 무휴 24 시간 이용할 수 있습니다.
앱으로 택시를 예약하십시오. Our 6.500 taxis are available 24/7 for you.
Order a taxi from your application Taxi-App in 160 European cities/ 10 countries, calculate the fees and pay cashless. Numerous order options are available.
Welcome to Taxi.eu, the largest pan-European Taxi community.
Taxi.eu unites Taxi providers in the largest Taxi community in Europe. 독일, 오스트리아, 스위스, 프랑스, 룩셈부르크, 벨기에, 네덜란드, 체코, 덴마크, 스페인
Reach your destination by few clicks is now even easier, faster and more reliable.
Fast location determination
Use the simple location function or enter the address from your start point manually.
Numerous ordering options
Depending on availability, the following can be ordered
차량 유형 : 다음으로 이용 가능한 택시, 비즈니스 택시 (특히 높은 승차감 편안함), 안전 택시 (파티션 포함), XXL 택시 (5 ~ 8 명) 또는 녹색 택시 (환경 친화적 인 엔진 포함).
Equipment options: Baby seat, child seat for 1 to 3 years, child booster seat or driver with foreign language skills.
Carriage possibilities: Pets, large luggage, folding wheelchairs / walkers / strollers (by multimeter).
비용 및 여행 시간 결정 목적지에 들어가면 앱은 예상 비용과 목적지에 도달하는 예상 시간을 보여줍니다.
The function of favorites
You can also easily save frequently visited locations as favorites and save a home or work address. This makes future bookings easier and faster.
Simply order your Taxi at a later desired time. When the order is confirmed, the estimated time until the Taxi arrives, the vehicle model and the vehicle's license plate number are displayed.
Feedback with car number and pickup time.
여행이 즉각적으로 성공적으로 정렬 되더라도, 택시가 도착할 때까지의 시간, 차량 모델 및 차량의 번호판 번호가 표시됩니다.
Observing of the journey
You can watch the approach of the taxi live and thus use the minutes until pickup.
Route tracking If you have specified a destination, you can also track the journey to the destination live.
There will be an alarm when the taxi reaches the destination.
Pay as you want - also cashless
Pay conveniently cashless by EC or credit card, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay or Pay Pal. An overview of the usability in cities can be found at www.taxi.eu.
Rating the ride
You can rate the friendliness of the driver, the service, the condition of the vehicle and your overall satisfaction after the trip.
Telephone support
Do you have a personal request? 메인 메뉴에서는 현지 택시 센터와 직접 연결하여 24 시간 내내 여행에 대한 모든 질문을 도와 줄 수 있으며 예를 들어 택시에서 잊혀진 귀중품의 경우에 조언합니다.
As part of the Taxi.eu network, you can also use the Taxi Berlin app to order a Taxi in 160 other European cities in the following countries:
Belgium (Antwerp, Brussels)
Denmark (Copenhagen)
독일 (Aachen, Augsburg, Bochum, Bonn, Bremen, Chemnitz, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt Am Main, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Potsdam, Rostock, Schwerin, Stralsund, Stuttgart, Ulm, Wutpertal. Würzburg, Zwickau)
France (Paris, Lyon)
Netherlands (Amsterdam)
Spain (Madrid)
Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Austria (Graz, Linz, Pasching, Schwechat, Villach, Vöcklabruck, Vienna)
Switzerland (Zurich)
Czech Republic (Prague)
For a complete city overview, visit: https://www.taxi.eu/en/cities
앱을 통해 주문이 불가능한 지역의 한 지역에있는 경우 지역 택시 제공 업체의 전화 번호가 표시됩니다.
We wish you always a good and safe trip and much joy with the taxi.eu app.