연료 UPS를 FuelLy.com에 제출 한 SMS Formatter는 먼저 가십시오. 궁금한 점이 있으면이 모든 것을 읽으십시오. 나는 영원히 다루려고 노력했다
SMS formatter for submitting fuel ups to Fuelly.com while on the go.
First, if you have any questions, read through all of this. I tried to cover everything you may need to know.
Second, if I didn't cover it, please see the google group listed at the end and ask. The android rating system isn't great for communication, but the group is.
Fuelly Fuel-Up is free and has no ads. It's just a simple interface made to be quick and easy.
SMS permissions are required for sending the texts to Fuelly.com
Fuelly.com is a website that allows for tracking of fuel consumption and your vehicle's actual and average "MPG", among other statistics.
They have a system in place that allows you to submit a fuel-up via text. That text must be formatted a certain way.
Fuelly Fuel-Up was initially created for my personal use so I didn't have to remember that format. I figured I would share it with others.
Setup Directions:
• In order to use Fuelly Fuel-Up , you must have an account with Fuelly.com
• The following is intended to help you get setup if you're not already.
• Login / create an account at Fuelly.com
• Click "Settings" on left menu panel.
• Under SMS Preferences, enter the phone number of the phone you'll be using this app on.
• Click "Save Changes" button at the bottom.
In the settings of this app, the default is to use their US phone number, but you can select the one most appropriate to you. Be aware, I have not actually tested using the other phone numbers. If anyone has any issues please let me know on the google group mentioned above.
사용하는 것이 무엇이든, 리터 또는 갤런, 마일 또는 킬로미터는 연료 웹 사이트에서 선호도에서 설정하고 정상처럼 입력하십시오. My app just sends the number you enter, fuelly takes that number as what your preference is set to. For more information see their FAQ for details... www.fuelly.com/faq/22/fuelup-via-SMS
A google group has been created to allow reporting of bugs or feature requests, or for any other communication.
To beta test, join the group and follow the instructions.
Neither this app nor I, am employed by or associated with, Fuelly.com.
I am a simple developer who uses their services.
Fuelly Fuel-Up is a simple sms formatter for using their services.