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Application Kisah Kisah Teladan 2014 .
Over 30 exemplary stories contained in this app:
5 will from Allah Almighty to the Messenger of Allah
10 types of prayers not accepted by Allah Almighty
10 Orders of Allah Almighty to Moses as
12 doom for those who leave prayers
Allah Almighty rejected 1 prayer from 3 Prayer of the Prophet (saws)
The Qur'an as a defender in the Hereafter
The little boy who is afraid of the fire of hell
The dogs of hell
Between patience and sigh
'Auj bin Unuq was destroyed by a hud-hud bird
Clouds follow the repentant
Seat verse by sleeping
Reply leaving a prayer
Unpacked buildings and the owner who cannot die
Strange rocks
Angel for Umar RA
Farming in heaven
A mother's true love for her children
Cut off hands for giving alms
Fatimah Az-Zahra r.ha and wheat
The mountain is afraid of falling into the fire of hell
The jokes and the Prophet's Messenger (may peace be upon him)
Wisdom is devoted to both parents
Wisdom leaving a lie
Don't torture yourself
The remains turned into a wild boar
Gabriel US, buffalo, bats and worms
The preacher who is not a nervous
The shroud from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
Rooms in heaven
Goats and weaving tools
The love of Allah Almighty
Courage Saad bin Abu Waqqash Ra
The honesty of a merchant of a gem
The advantages of a chairs verse
The Benefits of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) According to the Prophet Adam as
The patience of a woman who is included
The origin of the former footprint of Abraham Ibrahim (Maqam)
The Story of the Origin of Hajar Aswad
The story of the blessing behind reading bismillah
The story of the spirit of the spirit from the body
The story of an animal named Huraisy
The story of the earth and the sky
The story of the book of God that used to be
The story of the fasting advantage of the 10 Muharram and the events that occurred on the day
The story of the benefits of treating the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
The story of five strange things
The story of Luqman al-Hakim with human beings
The story of the angel Gabriel and the angel of Mikail crying
The story of the Prophet Salleh and the camel from the coral
The story of stubborn passions in the command of God
The story of hell is
The story of a young man of a pig
The story of a young man named 'Uzair
The story of the insane preacher
The story of a match between a man and a devil
The story of a worm with David as
The story of a Christian converting to Islam is honorable to honor Asyura '
The lazy story of Abu Hanifah
The story of a rhe residence
The story of a camel breaks Abu Jahal's plan to kill the Messenger of Allah
The Story of the Guardian of God who prayed on the water
The tomb said during the body of Fatimah Az-Zahra to be buried.
Medina's dates
Fifteen evidence of faith
Drunk in love for God
Food from the result
A beautiful bowl, honey and a piece of hair
Humans are facing six intersections
The bodies wake up from the grave
Holding hungry overnight in honor of guests
Drinking alcohol for all evil
Prophet Idris and the Life Guidelines
Prophet Ilyas and the angels
Prophet Solomon and an ant (1)
Prophet Solomon and an ant (2)
The names of heaven and hell
The intention of repentance converts alcohol into honey
The most daring person
Reward helps neighbors and orphans
Reward as many stars in the sky
Heroes of hell
The suffering experienced by Abu Hurairah
The conversation between the Messenger of Allah and the devil
Moses' conversation with God
The application of the poor and the rich
The secret of the prayer in prayer
The Messenger of Allah and the Jewish beggar is blind
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and an arabic arabic
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and the money 8 Dirham
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to Dagana's caravan
Ripple destroys the reward
+ And more
You need to download this app:
* Easy to read
* Malay.
* Free version.
* Auto Rotate Mode (Optimized for Smaller Screen)
* Suitable for all ages.
* Easy to carry. User -friendly applications.
* Various stories of interesting Islamic stories and will be updated.
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