Allow users to track various entities including kids, ageing parents, buses, etcIntroduction: There are several instances where tracking of individual
Allow users to track various entities including kids, ageing parents, buses, etc
There are several instances where tracking of individuals (e.g. kids, aging parents) and entities (e.g. school bus) is of paramount importance from security viewpoint. As it is seen in today’s world, tracking the movements of your loved ones is evolving as a new form of caring. This app serves exactly that purpose.
The best feature of the app is that it comes totally free for both - the parents as well as the schools.
What it is?
This is a GPS and GPRS based solution for a Family and a Business Owner. It provides a protective layer of vigilance, so we call it “GPS Kavach”, and the GPS devise is called “RAKSA”. RAKSA alerts you when your loved one is into emergency and needs help.
Family can track their loved ones to ensure their safety.
It also captures real time location, speed and direction of any individual or an entity that carries the GPS device, provided one has pre-authorized any such tracking by the parents / schools.
How it work?
The GPS device carried by an individual or an entity constantly captures location coordinates, speed and directional information relayed by several satellites that are available in the open skies. The GPS device relays this information to the servers owned by us. The server interprets this information and displays it on the app in a very user friendly form.
Potential users?
It allows parents to track their kids, allows caring sons / daughters to track their ageing parents suffering from medical conditions, and allows schools to track the movement of their buses.
The app also helps schools with regards to their daily operational and logistical needs in and around transportation. It allows parents to track the movement of the bus that has their son or daughter on-board, provided the bus has the GPS device installed in it.
What next?
The app will constantly undergo revisions and upgrades to provide cool features to all kinds of users. Our mission is to be innovative and be relevant in today’s context and needs around tracking.