Karaoke Americalo . "The First Karaoke to Know How American" Calo American Type presents: Karaoke Americalo . "The first karaoke to know what t
Karaoke Americalo . "The First Karaoke To Know How American You"
Karaoke Americalo .
"The first karaoke to know how American you are"
Test your English with Karaoke Americalo and share with your fun friends videos.
You just have to choose a song, record your video, and show your friends how American you are.
If your English is not the best, don't worry! The least American can win an English Berlitz course in the United States to practice the language.
Book the greatest amount of likes to be within the most popular videos and be able to be the winner!
In addition, the 5 best videos of the week will win an English Berlitz course in Chile.
Dare, participate and invite your family and friends.
The more videos you upload and share, the more chances you have to win!