KARA 5 Poker is a variant of 5-card draw poker using 5 suits.Inspired by 5-member Super Girl group KARA, KARA 5 Poker is a variant of 5-card draw poke
KARA 5 Poker is a variant of 5-card draw poker using 5 suits.
Inspired by 5-member Super Girl group KARA, KARA 5 Poker is a variant of 5-card draw poker, except that there are five suits instead of the normal four and only twelve ranks instead of thirteen. Also, there is a bonus for a hand that consists of one of each suit (a.k.a. color); in the game, the name of this hand will be prefixed with "KARA". e.g. KARA Quads is a 4-of-a-kind with each card a different suit or color.
Learn more about KARA 5 Poker game rules, winning hands and payout, and deck design at http://shenafu.com/smf/index.php?topic=96.0