Discover all Natuurkampeerterreinen and camp in the most beautiful places in natureDo you prefer to camp in the middle of the forest, on a vast estate
Discover all Natuurkampeerterreinen and camp in the most beautiful places in nature
Do you prefer to camp in the middle of the forest, on a vast estate or within the ramparts of a fortress? Whatever you choose, you will always find a Nature Campground that suits you. Here you can enjoy peace, space and being outdoors.
There are almost 150 recognized Natuurkampeerterrein in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. The grounds are located in the most beautiful landscapes, far from the hustle and bustle. Camping in its purest form; that is camping on a nature camping site!
Nature camping map
To be able to camp at a Natuurkampeerterrein you need a Natuurkampeerkaart. After ordering you will receive login details with which your Natuurkampeerkaart is immediately visible in this app. This way you can always go out immediately! Order the Natuurkampeerkaart and discover your next destination at
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Wondering if camping at a Natuurkampeerterrein is something for you? Take a look at the app as a guest. You can then read the latest news, and already search and see which Natuurkampeerterrein suits you. Got excited? Then order the Natuurkampeerkaart, then you can always go out immediately!