What is Juz Amma? "You are the best of you who study the Qur'an and teach it (to others)." (HR. Al-Bukhari) Juz 'Amma, the
What is Juz Amma?
"It is best for you to study the Qur'an and teach it (to others)." (HR. Al-Bukhari)
Juz 'Amma, which is the 30th or last of our scriptures of the Qur'an, is the most common and most frequently read part of us. When we first learned to read the Qur'an in childhood, the first thing we learned was to read and memorize the short letters found in Juz 'Amma. In addition, most priests in mosques are more likely to read the short letters found in Juz 'Amma, rather than reading letters in other juz-juz, either in full and in the form of letters. So the letters feel so familiar and familiar in our ears. There are even many of us who memorize the letters outside the head.
Juz 'Amma is a juz with the highest number of letters. There are 37 letters. Beginning with a letter an-Naba 'and ending with an an-naas letter. Most of these letters, which are 34 letters, are Makkiyyah's letter, which is a letter that came down before the Prophet migrated to Medina. While the remaining three letters, namely al-bayyinah, az-zalzalah and an-nashr are madaniyyah letters, which is a letter that came down after the Prophet Sholallahu alaihi wassalam migration to Medina.
The special features of the Makkiyyah letters include, the shorts are short, the arrangement of the sentences is very beautiful and touching, the high and full of strong arguments that destroy the paradigms and beliefs of the Muslims. The greatness of his speech reminds people of the power of Allah Ta'ala in the universe, the afterlife, the meeting with God and the day of retribution. All of these are in short verses, in such beautiful and very touching language.
In addition to Juz 'Amma there are many letters that have a priority. Among them are Surat Al-Ikhlash, Al-Falaq, An-Naas and others. About the letter of al-Ikhlas, for example, the Prophet Sholallahu Alaihi Wassalam said:
"For the sake of my soul in His hands, indeed (al-Ikhlash's letter) is comparable to the third of the Qur'an." (HR. Al-Bukhari).
And there are still many other priorities related to the letters in Juz 'Amma.
The question is, have we ever thought about finding the meaning and content of the familiar letters in our ears? In it there is a lot of important and precious secrets that we can come from, more than just we read or hear. The first intri is made up of surah surah 'Amma.