Is vehicle ready for emission checks?Locate your car. Drag racing stats.OBD hardware device is required for this app to work.See your Drag Racing stat
Is vehicle ready for emission checks?Locate your car. Drag racing stats.
OBD hardware device is required for this app to work.
See your Drag Racing stats: Top Speed, 0-60 timing, eight mile time, 1000ft Time, quarter mile time
Locate your parked car. See how far and in which direction you are from your car.
Automatic emergency alerts sent if you get into an accident or crash or rash driving
See your trip distance, coolant temperature, ambient temperature, etc.
Clear MIL engine check light.
Send to and see messages from other auto enthusiasts
Check if your car READY for emission smog checks?
Also check if you can also SAVE on usage based auto insurance. like Progressive Snapshot, Nationwide SmartRide, etc
See health of your car, get fault codes, sensor data and more!
An OBDII / OBD2 ECU tool that uses a cheap bluetooth ELM / OBD adapter to connect to your car OBD2 port
Shows and Resets engine fault codes / DTC trouble codes stored in your car
Can help you fix your car and helps keep car repair costs down!
Keep your vehicle maintenance cost down.
For the first time:
1) Quit any other OBD app which may be playing on your mobile phone.
2) You may need to stop other apps from Settings->ApplicationManager->Select the app->ForceStop
3) Switch on bluetooth on your mobile
4) Switch on internet on your mobile
5) Switch on the vehicle and fire up the engine
6) Plug the OBD adapter into vehicle OBD port. See below for types of OBD devices.
7) Wait for one minute
8) Pair the OBD device over bluetooth on your mobile. Password must be entered quickly.
9) Start JoyRide app on your mobile
10) Wait for upto 10 sec for it to start communicating with OBD device
11) Lights on OBD device (if any) will blink to indicate successfull communication
12) Status and info in app will show if communication is successfull
13) If having problem check if your OBD device works with other apps. Like Torque app.
OBD devices like below may be used:
Passwords for pairing OBD devices varies: 0000, 1234, 6789, etc