Applications for JKT48 Lovers . This application contains all content about JKT48. You can see the video and complete profile of all members (Team J, Team Ki
Applications for JKT48 Lovers .
This application contains all content about JKT48.
You can see videos and complete profiles of all members (Team J, Team KIII, Team T, Trainee, Transferred, Graduated) and read news, see the JKT48 Twitter timeline, play JKT48 games, gossip, Wota Pedia, JKT48 album list, JKT48 song lyrics and others.
You can also share with other members through the Timeline/ Fan Base feature or download/ make wallpaper from the available timeline photo or comment on all the content that we have presented in this application.
We also provide a 'message / chat' feature for your conversation facilities with other members also available automatic wallpaper change features about JKT48.
"Unofficial App of JKT48"
☆☆☆☆☆ .. don't forget to rating our application, lovers .. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Addition of JKT48 Twitter Member Timeline
- Adding automatic wallpaper features
- Application performance improvement
Version: 2.0.8
- Custom Push Notification
- Add Membercard to Profile
- Bugs Fix
Version: 2.0.7
- Update UI Activity Schedule
- Fix Bar Notif Bugs