このアプリは、毎日の体重と体脂肪の割合を簡単に記録するのに役立ちます。***このアプリケーションは日本語のみです。 ***あなたはターゲットを持っていますか
This app helps you to record your daily weight and body fat percentage easily.
*** This application is in Japanese only. ***
Do you have you're a target weight? If you've exceeded it, you might feel heavy, and if you are lighter than it, you might feel mildly ill. It is essential to maintain your target weight. “ Nestle Weight Control ” (free of charge) helps you to record your daily weight and body fat percentage easily. We recommend this application for those who are conscious about their weight and physical condition. Please use it to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle.
[NEW!]Additional functions:
-Backup your app data with Google Drive/Dropbox
-Push notification- upgrade information/campaign on Nestle Website
--What you can do with this App
●Reach for your target weight!
You can reach your target weight by recording your weight every day.
When you rotate your device from portrait to landscape, the calendar and list screens turn into a graph measuring your weight.さらに、「あまりにも多くの」、「形がない」アイコンなどを追加すると、体重と食事の生活の関係を簡単に確認できます。
●Support Mail
We offer a “Support Mail” service which encourages you to continue using this function beyond the usual 3 day limit.私たちはあなたがそれを使い続けることを奨励することによってあなたの「ウェイトコントロール」をサポートしたり、あなたがたくさん食べる傾向があるときに季節にあまり食べないようにリマインダーを提供します。
この「 Nestle Weight Control 」機能を備えた健康的な食事ライフスタイルを維持し、毎日の体重を簡単に記録し続けることができます。
We are constantly updating this application for your convenience. Your feedback and opinions are highly appreciated.