無料の戦闘戦略ゲーム。 Build your empire, team up, and capture kingdoms!
Major features of the game:
• Colorful and real graphics.
• Diversity of unique buildings and resources.
• Funny monsters.
• One world, one map, you can build city with your neighbors, even with five of them.
• You can occupy territories and all players pay you a tribute.
• Organize a gang, ally with friends and rob neighbors.
• Market where players can sell resources in prices they can fix themselves. People make millions in this way.
• If you just want to relax, you can build the most beautiful city with peaceful gnomes.
One of the main features of the strategy is that development process of the game never stops.プレイヤーに新しいリソース、建物、テーマの贈り物を常に提供することは、現在、私たちのゲームを最も発展し、有望なオンラインプロジェクトの1つにしています。
Playing the game is very simple. First you have to enter the game, then choose available place on the map and start building your own city. In initial stage you can start with simple buildings. Later, after gaining a lot of money, you can move to Castle or Fortress.
ゲームは、すべてのキャラクターが本物のプレイヤーである素晴らしい世界の世界とつながるユニークな機会を提供します。厳格なルールや規制を備えた他のオンライン戦略ゲームとは異なり、GNOME Landは短期間で評判と名声を得て、Gnome City Worldの開発方向を確立できるGnome Cityの支配者になることになります。
Beware of Monsters
How to get resources
Do you like gambling?
If you like gambling, you can build a Casino or an Auction House. You can play with your friends and neighbors and win coins and even magic rubies.
How to go to the next level?
If you want to go to the next level, you have to gain enough game fame.それをする方法は? Simple answer – just play!さまざまなアクションを行い、キノコやカブを育て、宝物を探し、他の都市を爆撃して強盗する必要があります。そして、ゲームの次のレベルに簡単に行くことができます。
How to increase your reputation in the chat?
If you are popular and you have a lot of friends, they will praise you and it will give you reputation. Don't forget to praise your friends in return. And if you argue a lot and make enemies, they can dilute your reputation. It all depends on you!
What do you have to do in the next stage?
In process of accumulating fame and reputation, you will see new various opportunities. You can try yourself as a robber or a peaceful manufacturer, a police officer or a king;経済を発展させたり、他のプレイヤーとビジネスをしたり、ギャングに参加したり、自分のプレイヤーを整理したり、素敵な贈り物でお互いを喜んだり、新しい領土を占領したりできます。 Anyway, you will not get bored. In this virtual world you are only limited by your own fantasy. We will not reveal all secrets. Join us right now and you will see. Welcome to the World of Gnomes!