Highly rated classic turn-based strategy board game: Iwo Jima 1945This is a turn-limited version of Iwo Jima 1945, a turn based strategy game set on t
Highly rated classic turn-based strategy board game: Iwo Jima 1945
This is a turn-limited version of Iwo Jima 1945, a turn based strategy game set on the Pacific Theater during the Second World War.
You are in command of the American Marine force seizing the island of Iwo Jima in February 19th 1945 (Operation Detachment). The object of the game is to completely conquer this small and inhospitable island as quickly as possible to both prevent Japanese from using it to detect American bomber fleets, and to provide an emergency landing area for US planes.
This tiny volcanic island has been under heavy bombardment for months and American submarines have sunk most of Japanese supplies and reinforcements, so this is going to be the easiest and quickest mission yet -- unless the Japanese have fortified the entire island, dug over 10 miles of tunnels, located troops in the thousands of caves, built platforms to move their Artillery underground after firing, and prepared to die to the last man.
Full version available from the store