ITechQuiz is the most consolidated set of IT interview question and answersITechQuiz is the most consolidated set of IT interview question and answers
ITechQuiz is the most consolidated set of IT interview question and answers
ITechQuiz is the most consolidated set of IT interview question and answers ranging from Java, J2EE, Servlets, JMS, Struts, UNIX, SQL, Spring, Hibernate, .NET, C# , WCF, WPF, ADO.NET/LINQ, ASP.NET, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, XML, Webservices(SOAP/REST). It is a must have on-the-go app for the IT crowd. One app for all your interview needs. Over 600+ questions/answers organized by topic. Ability to fetch latest questions from time to time. Share your own interview questions by posting them and receive notifications when new questions are added. More topics to be added soon.Share your own interview questions by posting them and receive notifications when new questions are added.