DISCOVER REAL-TIME CHORAL EVENTS NeAR YOU AND AROUND THE WORLDQUANDO A concert, a Festival or a workshop one of the major problems from
Discovery Real-Time Choral Events Near You and Around the World
When organizing a concert, a festival or a workshop, one of the major problems has always been that of the spread of the news, of how to make the existence of the event known to the largest public possible. This is a particularly felt difficulty in the field of choral music, in fact still today the vehicle normally used is word of mouth.
However, we realized that the world of choral music fans is much wider than what could be imagined, it counts tens of millions of people, and many of these people, passionate like us, are always looking for a good concert or an opportunity to learn something new in a workshop.
For this we have created IT-Choir , a tool that allows anyone who organizes choral events to make the results of their work visible to the whole world. Even the smaller choirs can common their commitments by expanding their visibility and consequently the public.
With IT-Choir you will be able to make your choral activity not only not only to your friends, but also to enthusiasts and curious from all over the world.
Thanks to the geo-family system you will also provide a service to your audience, in fact by registering your event you will make everyone get the road indications on how to reach you. In addition, you can hook the concert/festival card to your YouTube channel by increasing its visibility and accesses.
Through the public comments of the public, which simplifies the feedback process, you will receive the impressions of your listeners in real time.
Lastly, your event will be advertised on the portal you are visiting now.
With IT-Choir , through the simple compilation of some fundamental data also directly from smartphones and tablets, your choral activity will be immediately made available to everyone, also contributing to the dissemination of the knowledge and use of choral music all over the world.