Istakhara khud karen with masnoon tarikaistikhara ka tariqa in urdu is complete istikhara app for all Muslim users users looking to solve their daily life
Istakhara khud karen with masnoon tarika
Istikhara ka tariqa in urdu is complete istikhara app for all Muslim users looking to , Istikhara is the best way to choose a good option. It also help to know the will of allah. Istikhara Tells You Whether You Decision will be good for you or not. A complete guide for every Muslim to do istikhara. This book app also contains references from the holy Quran and Hadees. Every information is very authentic and feel free to use this book is written in the context of Quran and Hadees.
Istikhara karne ka tarika in islam today I will show you how to do Istikhara from islamic method, its good and unique method for every muslim jesa ke sab log jante hain kee only hain kee Boht se tarike hain aur har koi apane tarike hai lekin aj aap ke samne jo tarika btaya ja ga wo islam mein aik best aur tarika hai jari jariyye se apkam ki behtarii Maloom karne ke liye istikhara kar sakte hain like: Marriage, work, education, business, travel, and so on.
=========== "Translation of dua e istikhara in English ===========
"O allah! I seek goodness from your knowledge and with your power (and might) i seek strength, and I ask from you your great blessings, beCause you have the power and i do not have the power. I do not know, and you have knownge of the unseen. The hereafter then make it destined for me and then add blessings [baraka '] in it, for me. [Death], for here [in this world] and the herehafter then turns it from me and turn me away from it and whitever is better for me, Ordain [destine] that for me and then make me satisfied with it.
"Istikhara" means to seek goodness from allah (exalted is he), meaning when one intends to do an important task they do IStikhara before the task. The one who does the istikhara is as if they request allah almighty that, o the knowledge (exalted is he) guide me if me then task is better for me or not?
According to Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 21, Number 263:
Narrated jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet (Sallal Laho Alaihi wasallam) used to teach us the way of doing istikhara, in all matters as he taught us the suras of the Quran. He said, "If anyone of you thinks of doing any job he should offer a two rakat prayer other than the compulsory ons and say (after the Prayer):
The istikhara dua app is bundled with urdu meaning and proper way of doing istikhara dua. Istikhara is a prayer for seeking the guidance of allah before taking any decision in life.
Istikhara ka tariqa in urdu is an islamic app for Muslim brother and sisters.this app including superb islamic islamic knowledge of istikhara ka masnoontariqa and many more. May these information be useful to our Muslim brothers, sisters and fellows and they share with their beloved ons ones too.