Get Connected with ISKCON BengaluruThis app is for all Hare Krishna Devotees, who wish to be connected withISKCON Convention Centre,Kumaraswamy Layout
Get Connected with ISKCON Bengaluru
This app is for all Hare Krishna Devotees, who wish to be connected with
ISKCON Convention Centre,Kumaraswamy Layout,Bangalore.India
1)App provides latest News,Events and Festivals organised by ISKCON Convention Centre,Bangalore
2)Photo Gallery - Festival Photos of Janmastami,Narasimha Chaturdasi,Rama navami etc are published here.
3)Contact us Page
4)Developed on latest Android OS 4.1 - Jelly Bean (API level 16) ) and tested on Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562 mobile Phone and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 P3100 Tablet.
5)Works well in WiFi,2G and 3G Networks
6)100 % Free
7)No Ads
If you are facing any issues, write to us [email protected]
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