Ready to fly in green world?Catch the prey and feed the larvae.Insect world simulator, ready to fly in green world?Catch the prey and feed the larvae
Ready to fly in green world?Catch the prey and feed the larvae.
Insect world simulator, ready to fly in green world?
Catch the prey and feed the larvae developing in the nest.
Demo version! See full version "INSECTUM"
Full 3d
Open world
Three locations:
-Cane labyrinth
-Wild bee nest
Fly simulation mode
Hunt simulation mode
Health and damage system
Insect migration
Food competition
Nest building
Larvae Feeding
Food for hornet:berries, sap, honey - Only for full version!
U.A.I system (Units Active Interaction)
and more..
Playable unit:Hornet
Other units:
-Grey robberfly
-Brown robberfly
-Black wasp
-Blue moth
-Spider wolf
-Wild bee
-Green caterpillar