“Image It” is an app to communicate with picogramsWhen images can be your best friend when you find yourself up against the language barrier. Easy for
“Image It” is an app to communicate with picograms
When images can be your best friend when you find yourself up against the language barrier. Easy for travelers, backpackers, "Image It" mobile application provides more than 400 pictograms to help you get your message across.
You can combine a series of pictograms, such as "taxi + airport + price" and even add in real pictures from your phone or draw on the ones provided.
App can be used offline in order to avoid roaming charges.
Indeed, the entire content of the application is installed in the phone’s memory, allowing you to use the application anywhere you go.
Several additional features can enhance your experience:
- Create your own pictograms,
- Write and draw on existing pictograms,
- Insert pictures from your phone in the strip,
- Search for a picto by category or keyword
- Change language between English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic
The application was initially developed for world travelers who would want to express themselves in any situation. This ability to communicate universally could also provide a practical solution to audibly impaired persons wanting to communicate with people who do not speak sign language.
Read what the experts say…
✈"… Injured in a foreign country and don't know the word for bandage? "Image it instead. This application helps to solve the language barrier problem. " – CNNGO.com
✈" … Rien de plus difficile de communiquer dans un pays dont on ne parle pas la langue. Image It affiche sur l'écran de son smartphone des pictos... " – MétroFrance.fr
✈“… Si, comme moi, vous avez déjà utilisé la tactique qui consiste à gribouiller des dessins sur un bout de papier pour communiquer, l’appli Image It pour Androïd pourrait vous plaire.” – Ouest France
✈“ On a beau essayer de baragouiner la langue du pays, il vient forcément un moment où on ne sait plus comment s’exprimer. Image It est une nouvelle application pour téléphone intelligent qui pourra vous venir en aide partout où vous vous trouvez sur la planète, sans avoir besoin d’être connecté "– journaldemontreal.com
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picto tourist backpacker travel communicate monument deaf dictionary translator silent symbol drawing wordless