Klien Android Khusus untuk Menggunakan Layanan Wikimapia WM Navigator Fungsionalitas:- Memvisualisasikan Informasi Layanan Wikimapia di Google Maps dan Yan
Specialized Android client for using WikiMapia service
WM Navigator Functionality:
- Visualizing information of WikiMapia service on Google Maps and Yandex Maps
- Search for WikiMapia objects: displaying list (and number) of founded objects with ability to navigate to chosen one
- Displaying list (and number) of objects on visible map area with ability to navigate to chosen one
- Comments adding for WM objects (with ability to authorize on WikiMapia server)
- Support for base navigation functions (including rotation and inclination)
- Ad window can be swept to the desired windows corner (in case it hides buttons on map) or you can buy the app.
For each object you can do the following:
- Get detailed description
- Choose description language
- View photographs
- Add your comments
Detailed application description and answers to the frequently asked questions you can find in FAQ (“About program” - > “FAQ”).
Please send your suggestions and bug reports to the developer e-mail.