Templat Penjadwalan, Pesan, Waktu & Kehadiran Pergeseran untuk Karyawan. Bertempat lebih dari 200.000 tempat kerja yang berjalan When I Work untuk mengurangi kekacauan,
Scheduling templates, messaging, time clock & shift attendance for employees.
Bergabunglah dengan lebih dari 200.000 tempat kerja yang berjalan When I Work untuk mengurangi kekacauan, biaya, dan omset dengan penjadwalan karyawan dan pelacakan waktu untuk tenaga kerja modern. When I Work is an employee scheduling app that does more than just save you time on scheduling. Ini juga membantu Anda meningkatkan komunikasi, menghilangkan alasan, meningkatkan akuntabilitas di antara staf Anda, melacak waktu dan kehadiran, dan mengembangkan bisnis Anda.
“2021 Shortlist” - Capterra
“2021 Category Leader” - Getapp
"Fastest Implementation" - G2 Crowd
• Easy to use time clock to clock in and out
• Message with staff 1:1 or in groups
• Monitor and approve shift trades and time off requests
• View the entire staff schedule anywhere at anytime
• Create a work calendar to efficiently plan schedules
• Quickly alert staff of changes and updates to the schedule
• Messaging and scheduling permissions for easier management
• Geofencing features to prevent buddy punching
• Clock in and out of shifts from the app
• Instantly trade shifts with coworkers
• View work schedules from anywhere at anytime
• Pick up extra hours with open shifts
• Check the work calendar to easily request time off
• Privately message coworkers 1:1 or in groups within the app
• Easily check who's working which shifts
When I Work is employee-focused and built exclusively for shift-based workplaces. We monitor our systems 24/7/365 to give you and your employees peace of mind that your data is safe and secure. Choose When I Work to get the best in:
• Team management - Onboard new employees, approve time off requests, review shift trades, and fill shifts in seconds.
• Team accountability - Shift confirmation, mobile clock in, shift task lists, team task lists, and chat ensure everyone is on the same page.
• Team communication - Notify your team of changes instantly and communicate with coworkers 1:1 or in group chats.
• Team empowerment - Your team can manage availability, submit time-off requests, and collaborate on shift trades.
• One-click scheduling - Build your entire work schedule in one click with Auto Scheduling.
• Confident shift coverage - Receive shift confirmations from employees and be notified immediately of swaps and drops.
• Share schedules - Publish the schedule and your whole team is instantly notified of their shifts.
• Labor forecasting - Easy-to-use labor tools help you manage your labor budget efficiently.
• Control overtime costs - Get overtime alerts and labor reporting to make managing labor costs easier.
• Schedule enforcement - Limit clock ins to shifts and locations to ensure that everyone is where they need to be at the right time.
• Payroll integration - Import your timesheets to quickly and accurately process payroll.
• Labor reports - Use labor distribution to manage costs and forecast for the future.
Terms of use: https://wheniwork.com/terms
Privacy policy: https://wheniwork.com/privacy
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