Ride on the Beach! Latih uji coba sepeda motor di pantai berpasir dalam permainan olahraga baru ini! Tingkatkan keterampilan teknis Anda selama sesi pelatihan dan cobalah
Ride on the beach!
Practise motorcycle trials on a sandy beach in this new sport game!
Improve your technical skills during training sessions and try to win the competitions to unlock levels. Try to get all the gold medals in the time attack mode!
- Career and time attack modes
- 2 Physics modes: Arcade and simulation
- 4 training levels and 8 competition levels from different chapters of the full game
- Tilt controls or buttons or progressive touch control to lean back / forward
Full game:
- 4 chapters with 4 training levels and 8 competition levels
Chapter 1 : Welcome on the beach. Discover how to get over small obstacles and discover the world of competitions.
Chapter 2 : Going further... The difficulty increases, new obstacles are bigger... Would you succeed?
Chapter 3 : Release the brakes. Of course, that's you'll have to do to finish these levels! Bigger and longer!
Chapter 4 : Mastering the art. It's time for you to master the art!
Chapter 5 : Introducing Physics. About physics levels!
- finish 3 training levels to unlock the next competition
- finish 6 competition levels to unlock the next training session
- the start / finish and checkpoint lines must be crossed with the front wheel
- to get over a big obstacle, lean back with enough speed and when the back wheel collides, lean front quickly!
They are talking about:
- Recommended by Ausdroid.net
- Trial Magazine (http://www.trialmag.com/)
[Don't hesitate to send a mail if you enconter any problem]
*Music by Philippe H*
- 4 levels from the full game
- New Time attack mode with medals!
- Easier and funniest physics: choose between Arcade and Simulation modes
- Faster motorbike with new suspension(...) allowing backflips in arcade mode
- Return to previous checkpoint button
New controls:
- tilt controls
- buttons
Frame friction changed.