Versi Freemium dari " The Little Witch at School", perpaduan cerita dan permainan. ♥ " The Little Witch at School" adalah perpaduan seni, permainan, dan mobil yang berseni
Freemium version of " The Little Witch at School", a blend of story and games.
♥ " The Little Witch at School" is an artful blend of story, games and cartoons. ♥
In this version, you can read and play the first 6 pages of this highly interactive story.
Jika Anda menikmatinya, beli versi lengkap dalam satu klik.
Dalam cerita ini, yang merupakan prekuel "The Witch Without Name", kita akan melihat penyihir terkasih kita ketika dia hanya seorang siswi dan kita akan mencari tahu bagaimana dia kehilangan namanya.
----- (4/4):
" The Little Witch at School" is a delight to explore (Each page animates as if you were watching a video, so it is highly engaging) (App of the Month):
This is certainly one of the most unique storybooks that we have encountered. (94/100):
We liked the story and beautiful illustrations and animations.
This year, the pupils of Chickenwich Elementary School will be taking their first witchery and wizardry examination.
Mereka telah menjadi lebih tua dan sudah waktunya bagi mereka untuk terpisah dari mainan mereka yang suka diemong, yang akan menjadi jiwa dari buku -buku sihir mereka dan memulai kehidupan baru ..
But the changes aren't easy and many tests await them…
Will The Little Witch pass the exam ?
Will Peepo the elf stay her friend no matter what happens ?
You can read, learn and have fun all at the same time:
✪ Fill in a magic coloring canvas using your knowledge of numbers
✪ Find the right letters for the magic words "mouth, open sesame"
✪ Go through an ogre's stomach following a logical sequence
✪ Answer the enigmatic questions of the “genealomagic” tree.
✪ Touch, slide, shake and lots of other games...
Set the difficulty level of the games.
Use the camera, microphone and gyroscope in a new way!
Share a magic moment on a tablet or smartphone.
Kejutan besar menanti Anda di akhir cerita ...
✪ 25 beautifully-presented interactive 3D pages
✪ 6 games
✪ 3 levels of difficulty
✪ Suara dan teks dalam bahasa Inggris dan Prancis
✪ 25 minutes of fun
✪ 2 Mode Play: "Baca untuk Saya" atau "Baca Diri Sendiri"
✪ 4 tantangan untuk membuka kunci permainan "kejutan"
✪ Wonderfully-illustrated with funny and colorful characters
✪ Membaca kesenangan ditingkatkan dengan penemuan berbagai elemen interaktif
✪ Skor asli untuk kesenangan mendengarkan Anda
Bonus: Unduh game, cut-out kertas dan halaman mewarnai dari situs kami:
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