Sebuah kisah tentang Sweet Roommate . Saya menyewa sebuah rumah besar di tepi kota. Itu menghadap kota yang ramai, dan duduk di samping lautan yang tak ada habisnya, beberapa pohon di th
A story of a Sweet Roommate .
Saya menyewa rumah besar di tepi kota. Itu menghadap kota yang ramai, dan duduk di samping lautan yang tak ada habisnya, beberapa pohon di kiri, bukit -bukit hijau yang bergulung -gulung di kanan, langit biru dan awan putih di atas kepala, dan rumput hijau di bawah kaki. Seorang penyewa baru tiba dan menghancurkan hidup saya yang tenang. Dia adalah gadis yang murni dan cantik. I loved her at my first sight. Dengan dia, kebahagiaan mengelilingi saya setiap hari. Summer was coming, and her sexy figure gradually exposed. Her birthday, was the happiest day of my life.
Beberapa permainan baru dalam game: Bantu gadis itu untuk menemukan barang-barangnya yang hilang, mengintip buku hariannya, dan memecahkan kunci kata sandi. The game is divided into 3 difficulty levels, which can be adjusted freely by players.
The game displays reality-style 3D graphics, using high-precision figure model. Compared with cartoon-style games, the picture quality is more delicate, as a result, the hardware performance requirements are also higher.
No advertisements, no extra permissions, a real green game. If you like the game, please give us a high praise. Your support is our motivation to improve.
For the first time running the game, you need to install the data package. After the installation of the data package, you need to start the game manually. Such operations might bring you inconvenience. The subsequent version will be improved. Terima kasih atas pengertian Anda.
The first time you play the game, you might want to pay attention to some important tips. If you don't like to read the hints in text, you can also watch the first demo video, which can help you quickly master the basic operation.
Beauty, sexy, dance, 3D, Sweet, beautiful, fun