Pantau data diabetes Anda dengan cara sederhana Diabetes Diary adalah sebuah aplikasi, yang membantu Anda dalam melacak data diabetes di insul yang diintensifkan
Keep track of your diabetes data in a simple way
Diabetes Diary is an App, that aids you in keeping track of the diabetes data in the intensified insulin therapy.
Anda dapat membuat entri yang dicap tanggal dari gula darah (mg/dl atau mmol/l), basis dan unit insulin bolus, unit roti yang diambil catatan dan kegiatan khusus. You can switch between mg/dl or mmol/l whenever you like.
Other than that, you can export your entries as a CSV file to manage them with other applications. You can choose how many entries and which data of your entries you want to export.
For two consecutive entries, the app calculates the carbohydrate factor. Misalnya, jika Anda membuat entri untuk sarapan dan menambahkan satu lagi untuk makan siang, itu akan dihitung berapa banyak unit insulin bolus yang Anda butuhkan untuk 1 bu sarapan.
The aim of the app is, to keep the required steps as simple and short as possible. Therefore this app has no main menu. You directly open the diary. There, you can create or edit entries with just one click, or delete an entry with a few clicks.
In addition, you can backup your entries and restore it at some point in the future or on another device.
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If you find an error, missing a feature or have a question, please feel free to send an e-mail or drop a comment on the community wall.
• This app doesn't track anything
• This app doesn't send any data
• This app is ad-free