Kompas profesional di saku Anda, saat Anda membutuhkannya, di mana Anda membutuhkannya ** Gunakan seperti kompas nyata. (Pegang Android Flat Anda!) ** ** Perangkat Anda m
Professional compass in your pocket, when you need it, where you need it
** Use just like a real compass. (Hold your Android flat!) **
** Your device must have MAGNETIC SENSOR inside to read earth magnetic field. If your device does not have magnetic sensor Compass Free or any other compass app will not work. PLEASE DON'T WRITE BAD COMMENTS, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT! **
Compass Free is essential app for your Android device. It is a professional compass in your pocket, when you need it, where you need it and you never know when I might come handy.
Pro Compass menunjukkan arah utara, selatan, timur dan barat, menunjukkan gelar di "jendela samping", memiliki bezel berputar untuk navigasi kompas tingkat lanjut.
How to use Compass?
First we'll need to cover a little bit of compass jargon first. Bagian dari kompas yang bergerak dan selalu menunjuk ke utara disebut kartu (dengan N, S, E, dan W menunjukkan, dan tepi miring dengan serangkaian angka di atasnya). There is a movable ring around the edge of the compass, called the bezel. Garis ganda merah melintasi bagian atas kompas disebut garis lubber, dan akhirnya, ada jendela kecil di atas kompas yang sering dinamai jendela samping (seperti di sisi kompas nyata).
Side-window navigation couldn't be simpler. You point the lubber line on top of your compass at where you want to go. Sekarang selama Anda memegang kompas rata di depan Anda dengan garis lubber yang menunjuk ke arah yang Anda tuju, Anda harus selalu melihat nomor yang sama di jendela Anda selama Anda pergi dengan cara yang benar. If you see a different number, turn until you see the same number.
The downside of the side window method is that you need to remember your number.
Navigating with bezel works essentially the same as using the side window, but your bezel remembers your number for you. All you do is, point the lubber line on top of your compass at where you want to go, and then wait until the card settles down and stops moving. Kemudian putar bezel Anda sampai segitiga ganda di tepi bezel (takik tepat dengan angka nol pada bezel) sedang mengikat panah utara pada kartu. Sekarang selama Anda memegang kompas rata di depan Anda dengan garis lubber yang menunjuk ke arah yang Anda tuju, Anda harus selalu melihat panah utara di dalam takik, selama Anda pergi dengan cara yang benar. If not, turn until you see the north arrow inside the notch.
Perhatikan bahwa jika Anda telah menyesuaikan bezel dengan benar, nomor di jendela samping juga merupakan nomor tepat di seberang Anda di ujung depan garis lubber. Dengan kata lain, jika Anda memutar bezel berlawanan arah jarum jam sampai takik meng -braket panah utara, 120 pada bezel akan berada di ujung garis lubber. Perhatikan bahwa pada kartu, nomor yang ditampilkan di jendela samping adalah 120. Jika Anda memegang kompas ini dan pergi ke arah garis lubber, Anda akan berada di judul 120.
Now you should have learned how to go to desired direction. But how do you get back? Mudah! Jika Anda berpikir dalam hal bezel, cukup putar sampai panah utara tidak menghadap ke kedudukan, tetapi untuk segitiga tunggal yang persis di seberang takik. Now you're pointed back where you came.
The really tricky part of using your compass isn't learning what the numbers mean and how to adjust the bezel. The most common mistakes are not holding your compass flat, and not actually going in the direction your lubber line is pointing.
Large iron and steel objects can influence the magnetic sensor in your Android device, causing it to point in the wrong direction. This is called deviation. If you suspect this is happening, simply move away from the object several feet and the problem should correct itself.
Other features or Compass Free app:
- Simple to use, use it like a real compass
- Design with functionality in mind (easy to read, lower battery consumption due to black color used)
- Large numbers and large rotating bezel
- Professional and optimized coding to keep application size as small as possible
- It's FREE