Selamat datang di aplikasi audioBoom : Audio dan podcast yang diucapkan audioBoom
Welcome to the audioBoom app: the ultimate in spoken-word audio and podcasts.
Welcome to audioBoom : the world's leading spoken-word audio platform.
Dengarkan audio dan podcast terbaik dari seluruh dunia, termasuk tindak lanjut serial yang dirahasiakan, podcast merek Russell, pertunjukan pagi Kidd Kraddick, Time, Vice, Sky News, Liga Premier, BBC, Yahoo! Sports, NPR, 10 Downing Street, Fox News…and so much more. Download now for free.
Fitur utama
* Follow podcasts, content producers and channels so you never miss a thing.
* Interests: want to hear all the big sports news? Need some comedy audio? Or just want to relax with a mindfulness podcast? Our new categories show you all the latest and trending posts from across the world.
* Explore featured and trending content from the world's best audio producers.
* Instantly search for podcasts, interests, playlists and content producers - you're never far from your favourites.
* Record, edit and upload audio straight from the app.
* Download audio posts to listen wherever you are - even if you don't have an internet connection.
* Your Radio: one tap, endless possibilities. Hear all your followed favourites in one playlist.
* Kecerdasan buatan yang sangat pintar itu menyakitkan: Aplikasi ini menyarankan konten berdasarkan riwayat mendengarkan Anda - Anda hanya mengetuk dari menemukan hal besar berikutnya.
* Android Auto: plug the app into your Android Auto-enabled dashboard and press play. Driving has never been so much fun.
* Register or log-in to audioBoom .
* Select your favourite interests to create Your Radio.
* Follow channels or podcasts that you love, and we'll recommend more.
* Lay back, listen and enjoy the best spoken-word audio in the world.
* Tweet us at @ audioBoom Help or visit
Harap dicatat: Aplikasi ini menampilkan perangkat lunak pengukuran kepemilikan Nielsen yang memungkinkan Anda berkontribusi pada riset pasar, seperti peringkat TV Nielsen. Silakan lihat untuk informasi lebih lanjut.