The Awesome GitHub™ App for Android™.The Original & Awesome GitHub Client for Android.IMPORTANT PROTIP: "Alpha" means its incomplete. Im fully aware o
The Awesome GitHub™ App for Android™.
The Original & Awesome GitHub Client for Android.
IMPORTANT PROTIP: "Alpha" means it's incomplete. I'm fully aware of this and that this iteration of Hubroid is lacking feature-wise compared to prior versions. If I hadn't released this now, Hubroid in the Play store would have been stuck in a broken state since GitHub turned off their old APIs. Just give it time guys and gals, no need to rate Hubroid 1-star for something out of my control.
Access GitHub from your Android device! Hubroid was the first full-featured GitHub client available on Android.
Now announcing 3.0-alpha1, specifically designed with ICS in mind. Please give it a go and report back as many bugs and suggestions as you can (on GitHub, of course), thanks!
New in 3.0:
* ICS-inspired theme
* An awesome icon, inspired by GitHub
* Optimized under the hood
* Issue milestone & label support
* Much, much more!
And of course, Hubroid is on GitHub!
NOTE: This version is currently in ALPHA. If you run into issues, create an issue on the Hubroid repository via Hubroid, via the GitHub website using the link above, or just leave a comment here in the Play Store describing the problem. Thanks for the help!
3.0-alpha2 - 2012-06-16.00+01+02:
- Create issues
- Comment on issues
- Event feed additions
- Handle GitHub URLs
- Theme tweaks
- Lots of bug & crash fixes
3.0-alpha1 - 2012-06-13.00+01:
- ICS ready!
- Revamped & streamlined theme
- More awesomeness