Free web content that can be delivered right from your HP printerHP Printables retirement begins in August. All Printables will be retired by October
Free web content that can be delivered right from your HP printer
HP Printables retirement begins in August. All Printables will be retired by October 31, 2016. You can continue to use this app until October 31.
To learn more, and for alternate sources of Printables content, visit
Thank you for your interest in HP Printables.
HP Printables are free web content that can be delivered right from your HP printer. Printables consist of news, recipes, coloring pages, and games that are specially formatted to fit neatly on each page. They can be printed on demand right when you need them or scheduled to print automatically so you can grab and go on your way out the door.
To use HP Printables, you’ll need a free HP Connected account—sign up at For full access to benefits, you’ll also need a compatible, HP web-connected printer registered with your HP Connected account. You can register your printer on the HP Connected website, or directly on this mobile app.
Use the HP Printables mobile app to browse all available printables and have quick and easy access to all your scheduled content. Any printables that ¬¬you schedule on your Android will automatically sync with your HP Connected account and HP web-connected printer. You can easily pause them while on vacation, too!
How it works
Once you’ve opened the HP Printables app and logged in with your HP Connected account:
1. Select the printables you’d like by browsing or using the search option.
2. Schedule your printables by setting the days and times that work for you.
3. Grab your printables right from your home printer!
Key Features
• Recommended Printables
• Browse by recommended or categories
• Search all printables
• Select and schedule printables
• See and manage your current scheduled printables
• Pause scheduled printables—all at once or individually
• Automatically sync with your HP Connected account and HP web-connected printer
• Register a new printer using your mobile device
To learn more, and for alternate sources of Printables content, visit
Thank you for your interest in HP Printables.