Himawari Reader is an e-Books reader. It can read .ePub(2.0/3.0) books.Himawari Reader is WebKit based an e-Books reader. It can read .ePub(2.0/3.0) b
Himawari Reader is an e-Books reader. It can read .ePub(2.0/3.0) books.
Himawari Reader is WebKit based an e-Books reader. It can read .ePub(2.0/3.0) books with no DRM.
Himawari Reader has internal downloader. So, If you want to read ePub books form e-mail, web or so, You can read that only tapped! Himawari Reader is autmatic stating and download!
And Himawari Reader support internal video and audio files (It means playing and tag).
This app's has 3 book shelf.
2016/7/11 Ver4.10.2(build 201600600)
Improvement of the permission process Android6.0+
Fixed bug on TTS Play (SpeechSynthesizer Mode)
2016/3/4 Ver4.10.1(build 201600500)
add PlayBack Speed on TTS Play (SpeechSynthesizer Mode)
add gesture UI on TTS Play (MediaOverlay/SpeechSynthesizer)
2016/2/26 Ver4.10.0(build 201600400)
Fixed display bugs
add PlayBack Speed on TTS Play (MediaOverlay Mode) Android6.0+