The "Guide for the Perfect Auction of Fantagazzetta", Edition 2018-2019La "Guide for perfect lasta of Fantagazzetta" for your fantasy football, edition
The "Guide for the Perfect Auction of Fantagazzetta", Edition 2018-2019
The "Guide for the perfect auction of Fantagazzetta" for your fantasy football, 2018 edition, comes directly on your smartphones and tablets and will self-update live both during the entire transfer market session and in the current championship. Fanta-auction in sight? Doubts about who to sell, buy, exchange, who offer more or less? We tell you! The 'Guide to the perfect auction of Fantagazzetta', the original since 2007, is the only and recognized guide of the Italian and championship fantasy.
The guide for the perfect auction of Fantagazzetta, now in its ninth edition, contains:
- Tips on fantasy football
- the presentations of all the Serie A teams, the transfer market, the modules and the preferences of the coaches;
- the probable eleven owners, the ballots and the tactical indications of each team;
- the descriptions, statistics, and imaginchers for each Serie A footballer;
- The payaring index (IA) of the players, invented by Fantagazzetta (and by many replied, subsequently, with little success) to understand with a single gaze who is to be purchased and who does not;
- the statistics of the past season, the 2018-19 calendar and the goalkeeper grid;
- indications on rigorists, shooters, ballots, modules, the trend on the tag and assist;
- The articles to be read before the auction, prepared by the editorial staff of
* New* - The Fanta -Timer, to be used during the auction to digitally replace the batter, with a comfortable, simple, precise and, above all, impartial tool!