OpenGTS Client with automatic local storage and send functionality.GPSTrackerLite is an application that collects positions on a schedule. The positio
OpenGTS Client with automatic local storage and send functionality.
GPSTrackerLite is an application that collects positions on a schedule. The positions is saved to the local storage on the phone. Positions can also be sent to an OpenGTS server that shows the positions on a map.
Positions is sent to the server automatic (if configured). And if no data network is available the positions is saved on the mobile storage until a data network is available.
Other names on this type of application is GPS Tracker, GPS Logger or OpenGTS client.
More information about server software at
This application can be used to track vehicles or persons with android phones. Multiple phones can use the same server account and then all phones is displayed on the same map.
- Widget included that displays location information.
- SSL encryption of traffic between mobile and server (https).
- Show information about the latest saved position.
- Only send positions to the server when on a Wi-Fi network (all Wi-Fi networks or a specific).
- Vibrate when uploading positions on Wi-Fi.
- Display notification when uploading positions on Wi-Fi.
- Only collect positions when mobile is connected to external power.
- Show you’re positions on a map in the application.
- Auto start service to collect positions after restart of the phone.
- Debug log that can be displayed and sent.
- Position statistics per day.
- Automatic cleaning of local position storage.
- Do not delete unsent positions.
- Setting to define a positions accuracy before saving.
- Setting to define how much movement that is required before a position is saved.
- SMS remote control.
- Use cell tower position instead of GPS.
- Verify server settings against the server.
SMS Control by using the following SMS commands:
Send GPSTrackerLite send to get a SMS with the device position.
Send GPSTrackerLite start to start collecting positions.
Send GPSTrackerLite stop to stop collecting positions.
More information about SMS commands in the application help or
Application language in English,German,French,Dutch,Spanish or Swedish only.
- German language added by STefan Mayer.
- Dutch language added by Maarten van Roosmalen/Ebo Eppenga.
- Spanish language added by Ramón Resendiz.
- French language added by Raji Jaafar.
Send me a mail if interested in beta testing or helping translate the application to other languages.