Speedometer, Direction Indicator, Distance, Progress and est. Time of ArrivalTravelling by air, rail, ship. road or on foot? Travellers Android Naviga
Speedometer, Direction Indicator, Distance, Progress and est. Time of Arrival
Travelling by air, rail, ship. road or on foot?
Traveller's Android Navigator (TAN) gives you details of the progress of the journey.
Monitor that your taxi driver is going shortest route, check when your train will arrive or be the first to know when your pilot hijacks your flight to the southern ocean!
* Speedometer
* Direction Indicator
* Distance to go
* Progress on route
* Estimated Time of Arrival.
The Speedometer scale automatically adjusts to your mode of transport, whether you are on foot or travel by space rocket!
Distance and speed units selectable: Metric, Imperial or Nautical.
Store and re-use your destinations.
Import and export your destination data, enter destination as your current location or select it on the map.
An Internet connection is not essential for navigation so the app will work in Flight Mode (but will show location on OpenStreetMap if connected).
Free to use. No subscription.
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No private data acces, no location tracking nor any other nasties.