Sample Application Created by the Code GeneratorsTe application is just a sample of what can be done with the Gerador that was developed Gerador
Sample Application Created by the Code Generator
This application is just a sample of what can be done with the Gerador that was developed.
The Gerador analyzes the database and, through templates among other things, generates CRUD (Create, Research, Update, Delete) of the application.
Following the benefits of using a Gerador at some stage of software development:
Technical Benefits:
1. Concern about what is important: How the Gerador generates the entire repetitive part of the application programmers are concerned only with what is important;
2. Code standardization: The similar points of the application have similar code, this facilitates maintenance;
3. Decreased finishing deadline: As a part of the code is generated, the development team will not spend time to implement it, at most make an adjustment.
Management Benefits:
1. Decreased completion period
2. Development cost of development: As a part of the code is generated, this implies less development time, which means lower cost with wages and infrastructure maintenance.
For this application a database containing isolated tables, 1-N relationship tables and MN as well as MN relationships with its own characteristics was used. It was 100% generated, see that even the icons are the standards of Android. The bank model used for generation was also attached.
More details can be seen at
Extra resources implemented:
- Login screen
- About
- Change password
- Send feedback
- Side menu
- Evaluate application
- Settings
- Verification by updates
- Initial data download screen
- "Welcome" screen