Amusing face changer app to fake your pictures!Personalize your pictures by applying some unique stickers on them. Thanks to this amazing tool you wil
Amusing face changer app to fake your pictures!
Personalize your pictures by applying some unique stickers on them. Thanks to this amazing tool you will be able to create extremely funny pics. Use this fantastic sticker app to make your friends laugh. Select a photo from your gallery and start personalizing by choosing between numerous stickers. You will be spoiled for choice in selecting the coolest stickers. It contains stickers divided in different categories like:
- Heads: Contains various head parts of different animals, human beings, helmets, and hats
- Hairstyles: Has got many different wigs, long, short, curly, crazy, fashion, black, blonde, etc.
- Mouth and Nose: Presents various mouth expressions, sharp dentures (bloody bites), mustache, beard, animal muzzles like the one of a monkey, cat, shark or a pig’s nose etc.
- Eyes: Contains many special eye types like cartoon, cats, zombie, staring eyes (looks) etc.
- Tattoos: Super cool tattoo drawings such as butterflies, hearts, tribal, scorpion, wolf, dragon and many more.
- Piercings: Contains particular pricings and earrings, applied to the lips, noses, tongue etc.
- Speech bubbles: Let your pictures communicate something or create a comic story by writing some fun stuff into bubbles.
If you like photo editor apps, fun photo effects apps or funny photos in general you will love Fun Face Changer: Photo Studio! Enjoy hours of fun and laughter with Fun Face Changer: Photo Studio!
With this fantastic tool you will be able to create fake pictures and share them with your friends.
Take a photo of a friend and decorate it with the stickers you will find in this big pack.
Fun Face Changer: Photo Studio is easy to use:
1. Choose a picture
2. Choose the stickers you most like
3. Resize the stickers with the fingers.
4. See the funny results
5. Save and share your amusing pictures with the world ;-)
With Fun Face Changer: Photo Studio it is very easy to fake photos.
Make your friend’s day better by bringing some humor into their life. Create delightful images of them with just one tap!