Suivez vos règles et votre cycle menstruel avec notre calendrier de fertilité et notre tracker! Mes cycles sont la meilleure application d'époque, le tracker d'ovulation et la calculatrice! Aiguiser
Track your period and Menstrual Cycle with our Fertility Calendar and tracker!
My Cycles is the best period app, ovulation tracker and calculator! Whether you are avoiding pregnancy or attempting pregnancy My Cycles helps you learn about your fertility and healthy cycle!
My Cycles is a personalized tool to help you track your the beginning of your cycle, your period, fertile window and ovulation day. You can also track all your symptoms and moods to help you understand your healthy throughout your cycle! Sachez quand vos règles commencent, lorsque votre fenêtre fertile et votre journée d'ovulation sont en un coup d'œil depuis l'écran d'accueil ou obtiennent plus de détails de notre puissant calendrier mensuel!
Faits saillants clés
✔ Know and track when your period is coming.
✔ Get personalized notifications of when your period begins.
✔ Birth control reminders to never miss or forget one!
✔ Daily log of your symptoms, weight, mood, menstruation
✔ Thorough tracking, better predict ovulation, menstruation and your fertile window
✔ Learn the premenstrual signals your body gives out when you're near ovulation or menstruation
✔ Improved chance of pregnancy and fertility with better timing when you menstruate
✔ THEMES! Personalize your app with a beautiful theme.
✔ Record and monitor dates of period, birth control pills, and intercourse/sex
✔ View your menstruating days in our calendar
✔ Plan ahead with our menstrual calculator and predict your next fertile days, and ovulation in the next 12 monthly cycles.
✔ Store daily premenstrual notes, menstrual symptoms, medications, cramps, intercourse and treatments
✔ Monitor and track premenstrual moods, fertile days, menstruating symptoms, menstruate weight, and menstrual related progress
✔ Customize your calendar, menstruate log and menstruating tracker
✔ Set discreet reminders when you menstruate or when your fertile days are coming
✔ Track ovulation-specific symptoms, treatments, and events (eg intercourse, contraception, birth control, sex, cramps, bbt etc)
✔ Monitor signs of ovulation: Basal Body Temperature (BBT), Cervical Mucous, OPK tests
✔ Premenstrual Weight and temperature tracker
✔ Advanced ovulation prediction based on Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) or OPK
✔ Select ovulation day for women tracking ovulation
✔ Track fertility-related medications and treatments; Clomid, Metformin, and IVF
✔ Record and monitor results of Home Pregnancy Tests and BBT